Friday, December 28, 2012

[WIP] Zaku 1.0 Part 3: Skirt

Tidak cukup dengan lutut dan siku, kali ini bagian 'skirt' atau rok depan yang diobrak-abrik. :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

[WIP] Zaku 1.0 Part 2: Elbow Mod

Setelah sebelumnya modifikasi lutut, modifikasi berikutnya adalah bagian siku.
Kalau ada yang heran kenapa saya tega mangkas armor dari plamo ini, itu karena plamo ini saya beli luar biasa murah, MG dengan harga 100 ribu rupiah. :D

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Hobby: Gunpla (Zaku WIP Part 1)

Bukan hobi baru juga sih, tapi sekarang akhirnya meluangkan waktu dan resource lebih untuk hobby yang satu ini. :) Daripada hobby yang lain (baca: blogging) terbengkalai (lagi), jadi hobby Gunpla digabung aja di blog ini.
Langsung saja ke intinya, sekarang lagi ada plamo yang dikerjain, Zaku II Commander Type 1.0 (produksi 1995).
Hal pertama yang dilakukan (setelah meakit modelnya) adalah memperbaiki artikulasi model, pertama di bagian lutut.

Langkah-langkahnya saya masukkan dalam bentuk gambar :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Free Storage #2: Yes, again please.

Today I receive the email I have been waiting for, the "Welcome to Google Drive" email. :D The day after my post about SkyDrive, Google release it's own version of cloud storage, Google Drive, which is basically an upgraded Google Docs.

Unfortunately, there is some bad news spreading in the internet that a fine print on the term  of usage of Google Drive says that Google can do anything they want with the files we uploaded, at least as a derivative (such as translation etc).

Anyway, I still encounter the same problem with the SkyDrive last time, how will I use the 5GB space on Google Drive, expecially with the rumor spreading like that. The only thing that I can think of now though, is to store images of cats there, a lot of cats...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Free Cloud Storage? Yes, please. :D

Earlier today, I found that Skydrive has release their version of desktop syncing app. And what's great is that they give a quite large space, 7 GB (that we can upgrade to 25GB for free). In contrast to Dropbox's 2GB and the rumored Google Drive's 5GB.
Will this enough to make people change their cloud storage from Dropbox to SkyDrive? I don't think so. At least not me :D I will use all three of them.

The question is, how to optimize the cloud storage we have :D For starter, I think I will use the SkyDrive for personal use, like writings or programming research. Or maybe just for storing my old online document. :D

Sunday, April 22, 2012

(Good) Impact of Internet for the Environment

For a long time I think the internet and the environment is totally unrelated, but I was wrong. This particular slide talks about 'cleanweb' - a green version of the internet -. What interest me is the fact that internet and IT do have a positive impact for the environment.

For example, it's said that teleconferencing saved about 30% of business travel expenses in the UK. Think if all the business meeting in Jakarta is held online, we can save more than 6 hours on the road for a meeting that last for an hour or two.

I hope that the internet will bring a better environment here in Indonesia. :D At least Agate Academy will try to help several person in Jakarta to learn Game Development by online course, so they don't have to spend more money to travel. :)

First slide on Slideshare

I intend to share stuffs I create and that I learn from various source like books or articles on the internet in this blog. In fact, several days ago I found a new learning source, Slideshare. So I will be sharing interesting slides I read, and hopefully some slides that I create.

 For the first slide I share, I will share the slide that I use yesterday in a presentation at Free Saturday Lesson at Comlabs ITB, Bandung. There I talked about fundamental things to consider when you want to publish a mobile game.

Hello Blog. (I moved here from my old blog)

Hello! Nice to write you. I'm Aditia Dwiperdana, currently working at Agate Studio, Bandung. I will be using this blog to share my personal interest of stuffs.

You can visit my old blog at or Agate Studio blog at (I write some of the post there). I will be using English and/or Indonesian in my blog posts. Hope you don't mind. :D

 I intend to use this blog to share stuffs interesting to me and/or things that I learn. (that is longer than 140 characters, and that I don't wan't those to sink in my Facebook timeline :D ) I think that enough for the introduction.
